If you need to edit your Before You Dig Partners contact details, this can be done by tapping the (Options) button on the top left of the screen once you are logged in, then tap Customer Details:
Here you will see a similar form to the one you used to register, and this is where you can update your Account details any time you need to:
- Customer Details: Here you can update your name and, if this is a work account, you can enter your updated company details.
- Contact Details: If your phone number(s) or email address changes, these can be updated here. Please ensure your email address is current, as this is how we send you a copy of your tickets.
- Login Details: These are the details you will use to log into the online service. Every username must be unique - most people use their email address as their username, or you can set it as something else (e.g. if you work for a company where multiple people are using the same email for their BYDP locate requests, only one of those people will be able to use that email as their username). When choosing your password, it must be at least eight characters long, and contain both a capital and lowercase letter.
- Security: You can update your security question here. This is only used to verify your identity should you lock yourself out of your account.
- Miscellaneous: Here you can choose to subscribe to our newsletter service. This subscription status can be changed at any time.
Tap the Save () button once your changes have been made, and the updated details will take effect immediately:
If you require assistance when filling in the account details, click on the grey question mark ? icons and these will advise you on how to fill in the sections. If further help is needed, please email our contact centre at info@beforeyourdigpartners.com for assistance. Our Chat Agents are always available during business hours by clicking the Chat Widget at the bottom of your screen.