Job cancelled? Duplicate request? No problem! You can Cancel your request if you no longer require locates by following these steps:
Find and Select the ticket you wish to Cancel in your ticket history found in Search Tickets:
This will then open your previous request for viewing.
On the top-right, the Actions button will allow you to modify the existing request in myriad ways. Click Cancel to cancel an existing request.
3. Enter the reason you are cancelling your request in the pop-up window. Then select "Send"
4. Success!* Your cancellation notice will be sent to all facility owners who were notified on your Locate Request.
*If you get an error message instead of the Success message, please wait a five to ten minutes and try again. An error means that the original ticket is still being transmitted or processed and cannot yet be cancelled.
The only other reason you could receive a Cancellation Failed message is that the ticket is no longer eligible for cancellation.
5. The ticket will now appear as Cancelled in your History tab.