To request a new Before You Dig Partners ticket, log in and click the New Ticket button on the Home screen dashboard:
Tip: If you cannot see this button after logging in, it is probably because your account needs validating. Please log out, validate your account, and then login again.
Next, fill out the details of the work that you are doing. If you need assistance, there are also help ? icons throughout the website where you can get more information to assist in your entry:
For more detailed information, see our How to use the Ticket Details screen article.
Once the Ticket Details are filled out correctly, click Next. You will then be taken to the Dig Sit Location tab:
Here you need to Search for your dig site location. You can search via Street address, Intersection, Grid or XY-Coordinates. After clicking Search, a map of the site will load. Use the drawing tools found at the top-right of the map to designate your work area. For more detailed information see our How to use the Dig Site Location screen article.
The location information entered in Step 1 will automatically be pulled into Step 3. Please verify this is your actual work location. If you entered a Reference Location to help find your location in Step 1, ensure Step 3's information is changed to reflect your actual work location.
Once you have found your location, drawn the area on the map, and confirmed the address or intersection, click Next. This will open Step 4, which allows you to add individual Remarks to the ticket identifying Where on the Property you will be digging, or any extra details you'd like to note (restrictions, additional work areas, hazards, etc). Note if you add any work areas, ensure they are included in your mapped area as well otherwise your ticket will be rejected by the Member/Locator.
Clicking Submit will send the information to all utilities registered with our service, who will then respond directly to you with information about their underground facilities. For further information please see our What happens after submitting a Before You Dig Partners ticket? article.