Below you will find some basic troubleshooting methods to help you if you are in need of assistance. If you are still experiencing website issues after troubleshooting, please email Our Chat Agents are always available during business hours by clicking the Chat Widget in the bottom-right corner of your screen. Our team will investigate the situation further. Use the links below to jump to the different article sections:
- General tips
- Registration errors
- Validation errors
- Login errors
- Tips for submitting tickets
- Location search errors
- Drawing digsite errors
- reCAPTCHA errors
- Submit errors
- Timeout errors
- Other errors
General tips
If you are having issues with using the website, please look for the orange ? icons on the right-hand side of each section throughout the site.
If something on the website looks like it hasn't loaded correctly, please refresh your browser by clicking the Ctrl+F5 keys on your keyboard simultaneously. A lot of times this will fix any minor loading errors.
There are also side pop-ups with tips which appear when you click into each form field. These provide instructions on what to do and whether the field is Required or Optional:
Registration errors
You may get an error message on the right-hand panel which checks for whether you’re already registered and the username availability.
- If the system finds any existing account matching your details, you will get an error:
- A list of matching accounts will be shown below. If one is yours, click on it to retrieve your old login. If they are not yours or you wish to continue with creating a new account, click Continue anyway. The message will update and you will be able to proceed:
- If the username you selected is already in use by another user, you will get an error:
Each login username needs to be unique. Often this message will appear if you work for a company where a common email is used by a few staff and somebody else is already using that email as their username. You will need to change it to something different, such as your “firstname.lastname”. Once you have created a unique username, the message will update and you will be able to proceed:
If you notice that any fields on the form are red, it means they have been entered in the wrong format or are otherwise not recognized by the system:
After changing the info in these fields to the correct format they may remain red. This is normal. You may need to press the Sign Up button twice – the first click will get the system to re-read the form to recognize new changes, then the second click will sign you up.
If you need further assistance in regards to registering your account, please click here.
Account Validation errors
The validation link in your registration email expires after 3 days. If you try to click on it after this time it won't work. You will need to log in to your BYDP account and press the Resend button so generate another validation email. Log out of the BYDP website, then use the link on the new email to verify your profile.
If you log in to the BYDP website before clicking the validation link, you will get an error message that the validation was unsuccessful. Please log out of the website, close the browser, then open your email and try clicking the validation link again. You should get a message that the validation was successful.
If you need further assistance in regards to validating your account, please click here. You can also email or contact our Chat Agents by clicking the Chat Widget in the bottom-right corner of your screen. Our team can manually validate your account.
Login errors
If you are experiencing login errors, please make sure your login details are entered correctly. Try refreshing the page and then typing them in manually if your browser tries to auto-complete them.
For more information on resetting your password and/or username, please click here. Alternatively, you can email or contact our Chat Agents by clicking the Chat Widget in the bottom-right corner of your screen. We can securely update your password and/or username for you.
Tips for submitting tickets
If you notice that any fields on the form are red after clicking Next or Submit, it means they have either been filled incorrectly or have not been completed and are a Required field:
Please use the side pop-ups and help ? icons to assist you in filling out the fields.
If you need further assistance with the Ticket Details page, please click here.
Location search errors
If you are attempting to search the location you need and there are no results, it could be because the address was entered incorrectly, or it might be a new subdivision. If your site is a new area, try searching for just the street name, intersection, or an established nearby street to bring up a general area you can use as a starting point to then pan to your location. Additionally, switching to a satellite or hybrid map view can sometimes display more street layouts than the base maps for newer areas.
If you are doing an XY search and the co-ordinates aren't working, please ensure you don’t have the X and Y fields mixed up and are selecting the correct Projection/Datum. Please view the XY Co-ordinates section of our article on Searching for your dig site location for assistance.
If you need further assistance in regards to using the Location screen, please click here. You can also email our contact centre at or contact our Chat Agents by clicking the Chat Widget in the bottom-right corner of your screen.
Drawing your dig site errors
When selecting your worksite on the map, make sure you are drawing using either the Line tool or the Polygon tool.
For the Line and Polygon tools, double-click to complete the drawing. Make sure no lines are crossing over each other, otherwise the shape will automatically disappear and you will need to redraw it. Once completed and double-clicked, the red shape should remain and your mouse will stop drawing as you move it around the map.
You can edit the shape you have drawn by using the Edit/pen tool. Once editing is complete, click anywhere on the map or on the tool icon again to the save the new shape.
To delete an incorrect drawing, re-select a drawing tool and begin a new drawing. The old one will disappear automatically. If you have used the Measure tool the grey dotted lines will remain on the map afterwards, but will not show up on your completed ticket.
reCAPTCHA errors
reCAPTCHA is a randomized security tool owned by Google. reCAPTCHA will error if the instructions are not followed correctly and potentially ask you to complete a larger number of challenges. Please make sure you tick all the relevant boxes as required by the instructions, for example:
If you have previously got the images wrong either by not clicking enough or clicking too many squares, it may prompt you with further pop-ups or error saying “Please try again”. Simply continue completing challenges until you get it correct and press the “Verify” button. It will show a green tick once it successfully verifies:
Note: Please note that even when entering reCAPTCHA correctly, it may still prompt you a few times.
Submit errors
If you have filled out all fields and marked the map correctly, and after clicking Submit you get an error message, please contact us so our IT team can investigate. If your request was successfully submitted, you will automatically receive your BYDP ticket receipt email.
“Timeout” error
This can appear when registering or submitting tickets.
If you get a timeout issue, please refresh the page and retry what you were doing (you can refresh the page by pressing Ctrl+F5 on your keyboard).
Other errors
If you find any other errors that are not mentioned here, please take a screenshot and email it to so we can investigate it with our IT team.